






 # munin-node-configure -suggest
Plugin | Used | Suggestions

acpi | no | no [cannot read /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/temperature]
amavis | no | no
apache_accesses | yes | no [ExtendedStatus option for apache mod_status is missing on port 80]
apache_accesses.orig | no | no [Port 80: Can't connect to : (Bad hostname ':')]
apache_processes | yes | no [ExtendedStatus option for apache mod_status is missing on port 80]
apache_processes.orig | no | no [Port 80: Can't connect to (connect: Connection refused)]
apache_volume | yes | no [ExtendedStatus option for apache mod_status is missing on port 80]
apache_volume.orig | no | no [Port 80: Can't connect to (connect: Connection refused)]
apc_envunit_ | no | no [no units to monitor]
bonding_err_ | no | no [No /proc/net/bonding]
courier_mta_mailqueue | no | no [spooldir not found]
courier_mta_mailstats | no | no [could not find executable]
courier_mta_mailvolume | no | no [could not find executable]
cps_ | no | no
cpu | yes | yes
cpuspeed | no | no [missing /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state]
cupsys_pages | no | no [logfile not found]
df | yes | yes
df_inode | yes | yes
diskstats | yes | yes
entropy | yes | yes
exim_mailqueue | no | no [no exiqgrep]
exim_mailstats | no | no ['/usr/sbin/exim -bP log_file_path' returned an error]
fail2ban | no | no [/usr/bin/fail2ban-client not found]
forks | yes | yes
fw_conntrack | no | no
fw_forwarded_local | no | no [/proc/net/ip_conntrack missing or not readable]
fw_packets | yes | yes
hddtemp_smartctl | no | no [first drive not supported, configure the plugin]
http_loadtime | yes | yes
if_ | yes | yes (eth0)
if_err_ | yes | yes (eth0)
interrupts | yes | yes
iostat | yes | yes
iostat_ios | yes | yes
ip_ | no | no [could not run iptables as user munin]
ipmi_ | no | no [no /usr/bin/ipmitool]
irqstats | yes | yes
jmx_ | no | no [java runtime not found at /usr/bin/java]
load | yes | yes
lpstat | no | no [scheduler is not running]
memory | yes | yes
mongostat | no | no
mongostat2 | yes | no
munin_stats | yes | yes
mysql_ | yes | no [Missing dependency Cache::Cache]
netstat | yes | yes
nfs4_client | no | no [no /proc/net/rpc/nfs]
nfs_client | no | no
nfsd | no | no [no /proc/net/rpc/nfsd]
nfsd4 | no | no [no /proc/net/rpc/nfsd]
nginx_request | no | no [no nginx status on]
nginx_status | no | no [no nginx status on http://localhost/nginx_status]
ntp_kernel_err | yes | yes
ntp_kernel_pll_freq | yes | yes
ntp_kernel_pll_off | yes | yes
ntp_offset | yes | yes
nvidia_ | no | no [no nvclock executable at /usr/bin/nvclock, please configure]
open_files | yes | yes
open_inodes | yes | yes
postfix_mailqueue | no | yes
postfix_mailvolume | no | yes
postgres_bgwriter | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_cache_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_checkpoints | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_connections_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_connections_db | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_locks_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_querylength_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_scans_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_size_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_transactions_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_tuples_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_users | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
postgres_xlog | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
proc_pri | yes | yes
processes | yes | yes
ps_ | yes | no
qmailqstat | no | no
selinux_avcstat | no | no [missing /selinux/avc/cache_stats file]
sendmail_mailqueue | yes | yes
sendmail_mailstats | yes | yes
sendmail_mailtraffic | yes | yes
slapd_ | no | no [Needs LDAPv3]
slapd_bdb_cache_ | no | no [Can't execute db_stat file '/usr/bin/db4.6_stat']
slony_lag_ | no | no [DBD::Pg not found, and cannot do psql yet]
smart_ | no | no [no drives accessible]
snort_alerts | no | no [/var/snort/snort.stats not readable]
snort_bytes_pkt | no | no [/var/snort/snort.stats not readable]
snort_drop_rate | no | no [/var/snort/snort.stats not readable]
snort_pattern_match | no | no [/var/snort/snort.stats not readable]
snort_pkts | no | no [/var/snort/snort.stats not readable]
snort_traffic | no | no [/var/snort/snort.stats not readable]
squeezebox_ | no | no [no connection on localhost port 9090]
squid_cache | no | no [could not connect: Connection refused]
squid_objectsize | no | no [could not connect: Connection refused]
squid_requests | no | no [could not connect: Connection refused]
squid_traffic | no | no [could not connect: Connection refused]
swap | yes | yes
threads | yes | yes
tomcat_ | no | no
uptime | yes | yes
users | yes | yes
varnish_ | no | no [which varnishstat returns blank]
vmstat | yes | yes
vserver_cpu_ | no | no [/proc/virtual/info not found]
vserver_loadavg | no | no [/proc/virtual/info not found]
vserver_resources | no | no [/proc/virtual/info not found]
yum | yes | yes
zimbra_ | no | no [No Text::CSV_XS]
# The following plugins caused errors:
# mongostat:
# Timed out during autoconf
# mongostat2:
# Timed out during autoconf




nginx_status               | no   | no [no nginx status on http://localhost/nginx_status]

そんなときに -shell オプションが便利です


# munin-node-configure -shell
ln -s '/usr/share/munin/plugins/postfix_mailqueue' '/etc/munin/plugins/postfix_mailqueue'
ln -s '/usr/share/munin/plugins/postfix_mailvolume' '/etc/munin/plugins/postfix_mailvolume'
# The following plugins caused errors:
# mongostat:
# Timed out during autoconf
# mongostat2:
# Timed out during autoconf


# munin-node-configure -shell | sh



# munin-node-configure |grep postfix
postfix_mailqueue | yes |
postfix_mailstats | no |
postfix_mailvolume | yes |



キャパシティプランニング ― リソースを最大限に活かすサイト分析・予測・配置

キャパシティプランニング ― リソースを最大限に活かすサイト分析・予測・配置